
  • Committer: Patch Queue Manager
  • Date: 2014-09-22 19:42:30 UTC
  • mfrom: (6597.2.1 bzr)
  • Revision ID: pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com-20140922194230-y32j0sq621bxhp7c
(richard-wilbur) Split diff format option parser into a separate function,
 update to include all format options for GNU diff v3.2,
 and test parser.  Fixes lp:1370435 (Richard Wilbur)
Filename Latest Rev Last Changed Committer Comment Size
index.html 6489.1.1 12 years ago Vincent Ladeuil One more reference missed for the current series 3.1 KB Diff Download File
layout.html 5068.1.1 14 years ago Vincent Ladeuil Merge 2.1 into trunk including fixes for #331095, 297 bytes Diff Download File