***** CVSNT ***** http://www.cvsnt.com/cvspro/ * Remembers last-merge-point__ between two branches, and uses this to do smarter incremental merges. __ http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/MergePoint http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/CvsntAdvantages * SSPI authentication on Windows, and built-in Putty SSH code. * Branch ACLs. * Remote user administration using cvs passwd command. * Repository browsing via cvs ls command (update: now provided in standard CVS since version 1.12.9) * LockServer on a second port replaces filesystem-based locks & provides file level locking Various other improvements relative to CVS, particularly for Windows users. Worth looking at, but nothing apparently earth-shaking. Interesting that the advanced merge support is basically that it remembers what was pulled across.