Bazaar Development Processes ============================ .. toctree:: :hidden: cycle releasing ppa profiling ec2 bug-handling * `The Bazaar Development Cycle `_ |--| The monthly development cycle and how to run it. * `Releasing Bazaar `_ |--| Checklist to make a release of Bazaar. * `Managing the Bazaar PPA `_ |--| Packaging Bazaar for Ubuntu. * `Giving back `_ (wiki) |--| How to get your changes to Bazaar integrated into a release. * `Profiling notes `_ |--| Instructions on how to profile bzr code and visualize the results. * `EC2 resources `_ |--| A team resource for Windows packaging and testing, and Ubuntu testing. * `Tracking Bugs in Bazaar `_ |--| How we use the bug tracker. .. |--| unicode:: U+2014 .. vim: ft=rst tw=74 ai