================================= Bazaar Developer Document Catalog ================================= Bazaar user documentation is in the `Main Document Catalog <../index.html>`_. Overall developer documentation =============================== * `Developer Guide <../en/developer-guide/HACKING.html>`_ * `Architectural Overview `_ |--| describes some of the most important classes and concepts. * `bzrlib API reference `_ (external link) |--| automatically generated API reference information * `Integrating with Bazaar `_ (wiki) |--| a guide for writing Python programs that work with Bazaar. * `Testing `_ |--| Testing bzr. * `Writing plugins `_ (wiki) |--| specific advice on writing Bazaar plugins. Process ======= * `The Bazaar Development Cycle `_ |--| The monthly development cycle and how to run it. * `Releasing Bazaar `_ |--| Checklist to make a release of Bazaar. * `Managing the Bazaar PPA `_ |--| Packaging Bazaar for Ubuntu. * `Giving back `_ (wiki) |--| How to get your changes to Bazaar integrated into a release. * `Profiling notes `_ |--| Instructions on how to profile bzr code and visualize the results. Plans ===== * `Performance roadmap `_ |--| The roadmap for fixing performance in bzr over the next few releases. Specifications ============== * `API versioning `_ |--| bzrlib API versioning. * `Authentication ring `_ |--| Configuring authentication. * `Bundles `_ |--| All about bzr bundles. * `Container format `_ |--| Notes on a container format for streaming and storing Bazaar data. * `Repository stream `_ |--| Notes on streaming data for repositories (a layer above the container format). * `Indices `_ |--| The index facilities available within bzrlib. * `Inventories `_ |--| Tree shape abstraction. * `LCA merge `_ |--| A nice new merge algorithm. * `Network protocol `_ |--| Custom network protocol. * `Plugin APIs `_ |--| APIs plugins should use. * `Repositories `_ |--| What repositories do and are used for. * `Integration Guide `_ |--| A guide to integrate bzrlib into any python application. * `Bazaar and case-insensitive file systems `_ |--| How Bazaar operates on case-insensitive file systems such as commonly found on Windows, USB sticks, etc. Data formats ============ * `Knit pack repositories `_ |--| KnitPack repositories (new in Bazaar 0.92). .. |--| unicode:: U+2014 .. vim: ft=rst tw=74 ai