Releasing Bazaar ================ This document describes the processes for making and announcing a Bazaar release, and managing the release process. We normally have one person acting as the release manager, who organizes development for the release and also actually makes the release tarball and posts announcements. It can be a different person from one release to the next. See also: `Bazaar Developer Document Catalog `_. .. contents:: General process --------------- Our usual process is that one week before release we will make a release branch from the trunk. We do one commit to that branch to change the version number to 'rc1', and advance the trunk version to 'dev' for the next release. We then publish and announce this release candidate according to the process below. We then have a week of general testing of the rc, including some time for plugin authors to update their code for any changes. Normally no changes will be made on the release branch unless serious bugs or regressions are found, and the release manager decides they should be merged in. After one week, the release branch's version number is updated and it's published as the final release. If regressions or serious problems are discovered after the final release we may make an additional point release from that branch. The process or timing can vary if that seems appropriate in a particular case but we try to release on a regular four week cycle. The net effect is that the code gets some extra testing before release, and the trunk is always open for general development. Starting a Release ------------------ To start a new release cycle: #. Send mail to the list with the key dates, who will be the release manager, and the main themes or targetted bugs. Ask people to nominate objectives, or point out any high-risk things that are best done early, or that interact with other changes. #. Add a new "series" in Launchpad at . There is one series for every *x.y* release. Weekly Metronome Mail --------------------- Every week the release manager should send a mail to the Bazaar list covering these points (as appropriate): * Early communication about changing dependencies or defaults * Reminder re lifecycle and where we're up to right now, in particular the dates for the next release and/or candidate. * Summary of recent successes and pending work. * Reminder re release objectives * Reminder re things needing attention, e.g. bug triage, reviews, testing of certain things, etc. Preparing the tree for release ------------------------------ .. Was previously at .. TODO: Still needs more clarity on what's in a RC versus a final .. release? This is the procedure for making a new bzr release: #. If the release is the first candidate, make a new branch in PQM. (Contact Robert Collins for this step). Register the branch at #. Make a local branch for preparing this release. (Only for the first release in a series, otherwise you should already have a branch.) :: bzr branch trunk prepare-1.6 #. Configure pqm-submit for this branch, with a section like this in ``~/.bazaar/locations.conf``:: [/home/mbp/bzr/prepare-1.4] pqm_email = Canonical PQM submit_branch = submit_to = #. In the release branch, update ``version_info`` in ``./bzrlib/``. (This must match ``_script_version`` in the ``bzr`` script, but that is updated at the start of the release cycle, and doesn't need to say if it's an rc or final release.) Run this command and check the output:: ./bzr --version #. Add the date and release number to ``./NEWS``, and a one-paragraph summary of changes in this release. #. Commit these changes to the release branch, using a command like:: bzr commit -m "Release 0.12rc1." The diff before you commit will be something like:: === modified file 'NEWS' --- NEWS 2006-10-23 13:11:17 +0000 +++ NEWS 2006-10-23 22:50:50 +0000 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -IN DEVELOPMENT +bzr 0.12rc1 2006-10-23 IMPROVEMENTS: === modified file 'bzrlib/' --- bzrlib/ 2006-10-16 01:47:43 +0000 +++ bzrlib/ 2006-10-23 22:49:46 +0000 @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ # Python version 2.0 is (2, 0, 0, 'final', 0)." Additionally we use a # releaselevel of 'dev' for unreleased under-development code. -version_info = (0, 12, 0, 'dev', 0) +version_info = (0, 12, 0, 'candidate', 1) if version_info[3] == 'final': version_string = '%d.%d.%d' % version_info[:3] #. Submit those changes to PQM for merge into the appropriate release branch:: bzr push bzr pqm-submit -m "(mbp) prepare 1.6" #. When PQM succeeds, pull down the master release branch. Making the source tarball ------------------------- #. Change into the source directory and run :: make dist #. Now we'll try expanding this tarball and running the test suite to check for packaging problems:: make check-dist-tarball Publishing the release ---------------------- Now you have the releasable product. The next step is making it available to the world. #. In click the "Release series" for this series, to take you to e.g. . Then click "Register a release", and add information about this release. #. Within that release, upload the source tarball and the GPG signature. #. Link from to the tarball and signature. #. Update to have a directory of documentation for this release. (Controlled by the ``update-bzr-docs`` script on escudero, and also update the ``latest`` symlink in ``/srv/``.) #. Announce on the `Bazaar home page`__. __ Announcing the release ---------------------- Now that the release is publicly available, tell people about it. #. Announce to ``bazaar-announce`` and ``bazaar`` mailing lists. The announce mail will look something like this: | Subject: bzr 0.11 release candidate 1 | | INTRO HERE. Mention the release number and date, and why the release. (i.e. release candidate for testing, final release of a version, backport/bugfix etc). | | Tarballs: | | and GPG signature: | | | DESCRIBE-CHANGES-IN-OVERVIEW-HERE | | DESCRIBE-when the next release will be (if there is another - i.e. this is a release candidate) | | Many thanks to all the contributors to this release! I've included the | contents of NEWS for VERSION below: To generate the data from NEWS, just copy and paste the relevant news section and clean it up as appropriate. The main clean-up task is to confirm that all major changes are indeed covered. This can be done by running ``bzr log`` back to the point when the branch was opened and cross checking the changes against the NEWS entries. (RC announcements should remind plugin maintainers to update their plugins.) * For point releases (i.e. a release candidate, or an incremental fix to a released version) take everything in the relevant NEWS section. For example, for 0.11rc2 take everything in NEWS from the bzr 0.11rc2 line to the bzr 0.11rc1 line further down. * For major releases (i.e. 0.11, 0.12 etc), take all the combined NEWS sections from within that version: for 0.11 take all of the 0.11 specific section, plus 0.11rc2, plus 0.11rc1 etc. #. Update the IRC channel topic. Use the ``/topic`` command to do this, ensuring the new topic text keeps the project name, web site link, etc. #. Announce on This should be done for both release candidates and final releases. If you do not have a Freshmeat account yet, ask one of the existing admins. #. Update -- this should be done for final releases but not for Release Candidates. #. Package maintainers should update packages when they see the announcement. #. For final releases, also send the announcement mail to and #. Also send a GNU directory update to #. Update the python package index: - best done by running :: python register Remember to check the results afterwards. To be able to register the release you must create an account on and have one of the existing owners of the project add you to the group. Merging the released code back to trunk --------------------------------------- Merge the release branch back into the trunk. Check that changes in NEWS were merged into the right sections. If it's not already done, advance the version number in ``bzr`` and ``bzrlib/``. Submit this back into pqm for Updating the PPA for a new release ---------------------------------- We build Ubuntu ``.deb`` packages for Bazaar as an important part of the release process. These packages are hosted in a few `Personal Package Archives (PPA)`__ on Launchpad. __ As of June 2008, there are actually two PPAs: Final released versions. Releases and release candidates. We build packages for every supported Ubuntu release . Packages need no longer be updated when the release passes end-of-life because all users should updated by then. (As of May 2009, Edgy Eft is no longer supported.) The ``debian/`` directory containing the packaging information is kept in branches on Launchpad, named like . Preconditions for building these packages: * You must have a Launchpad account and be a member of the `~bzr`__ team __> * You must have a GPG key registered to your Launchpad account. * Configure ``dput`` to upload to our PPA with this section in your ``~/``:: [bzr-beta-ppa] fqdn = method = ftp incoming = ~bzr-beta-ppa/ubuntu login = anonymous allow_unsigned_uploads = 0 [bzr-ppa] fqdn = method = ftp incoming = ~bzr/ubuntu login = anonymous allow_unsigned_uploads = 0 You may also want to add these lines to prevent inadvertently attempting to upload into Ubuntu or Debian, which will give a somewhat unclear error:: [DEFAULT] default_host_main = notspecified [notspecified] fqdn = SPECIFY.A.PPA.NAME * You need a Ubuntu (or probably Debian) machine, and :: sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts dput quilt patch Here is the process; there are some steps which should be automated in future: #. You will need a working directory for each supported release, such as ``~/bzr/Packaging/hardy`` #. Download the official tarball of the release to e.g. ``~/bzr/Releases`` #. Copy the original tarball into your per-disto directory, then untar it:: cp -l ~/bzr/Releases/bzr-1.3.tar.gz bzr_1.3.orig.tar.gz tar xfvz bzr_1.3.orig.tar.gz The bzrtools extracted directory does not contain a version number and must be renamed:: mv bzrtools bzrtools-1.3.0 #. Change into that directory and check out the packaging branch:: cd bzr bzr checkout \ bzr+ssh:// \ debian #. For Bazaar plugins, change the ``debian/control`` file to express a dependency on the correct version of ``bzr``. For bzrtools this is typically:: Build-Depends-Indep: bzr (>= 1.3~), rsync Depends: ${python:Depends}, bzr (>= 1.3~), bzr (<< 1.4~), patch #. Make a new ``debian/changelog`` entry for the new release, either by using ``dch`` or just editing the file:: dch -v '1.3-1~bazaar1' -D hardy dch will default to the distro you're working in and this isn't checked against the version number (which is just our conversion), so make sure to specify it. **Caution:** Release candidates must insert a tilde to make them sort before the final release, like this: ``bzr-1.4~rc2-1~bazaar1``. Make sure you have the correct email address for yourself, version number, and distribution. It should look something like this:: bzr (1.3-1~bazaar1) hardy; urgency=low * New upstream release. -- John Sample Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:36:27 +1100 If you need to upload the package again to fix a problem, normally you should increment the last number in the version number, following the distro name. Make sure not to omit the initial ``-1``, and make sure that the distro name in the version is consistent with the target name outside the parenthesis. #. Commit these changes into the packaging branch:: bzr ci -m '1.3-1~bazaar1: New upstream release.' debian #. Build a source package:: debuild -S -sa -i -D This will create a ``.changes`` file in the per-distro directory, and should invoke gpg to sign it with your key. Check that file is reasonable: it should be uploading to the intended distribution, have a .orig file included, and the right version number. #. Upload into the appropriate PPA, either ``bzr-ppa`` or ``bzr-beta-ppa``:: dput bzr-ppa ../bzr__1.3-1\~bazaar1\_source.changes #. Copy the uploaded package over to other Ubuntu releases, taking advantage of Launchpad's Copy Package feature **Note:** The packaging dependencies may vary between different distro series. As of bzr 1.5, Dapper uses ``python-support`` and later distributions use ``python-central``. If you upload a release-specific version, you should add a ~release1 to the package version, for example:: bzr.1.3-1~bazaar1~dapper1 #. You should soon get an "upload accepted" mail from Launchpad, which means that your package is waiting to be built. You can then track its progress in and . If you add all the bzr PPAs to your ``sources.list`` then you can see a summary of current package versions with:: apt-cache madison bzr .. vim: filetype=rst textwidth=74 ai shiftwidth=4