************* Web interface ************* The web interface may be the first way many people interact with a new VC system. It may not be core functionality but it is important. mpe says he likes the bkbits.net one, in particular that you can quickly search the comments and pull out individual patches. However, it does not really give people a good sense of how the tool works. The `Aegis web interface`__ is rather better, giving a good sense (for better or worse) of the ideas behind the tool, as well as the particular tree being viewed. For example you can see that all changes in progress are registered, that one can identify conflicts before a merge is attempted and so on. In part this is because there are many links ("Information available") and they are explained in some detail: "This item will provide you with a list of changes to this project, including those which have not yet commenced, those in progress, and those which have been completed." __ http://aegis.sourceforge.net/webiface.html