Roadmap for Bazaar-NG ********************* (This document contains only things still-to-do, in in approximate order. For a list of things already done, see the `development news`__.) __ news.html * get doctest going again now that we have predictable-order status commands * note at top of .bzr.log * basic local versioning working: init, add, remove, mv, status, log, diff, commit, revert * revert command * mv command * some commands should work on selected files, if any are given: * diff * status * log * commit * work properly when invoked from a subdirectory * give a file-id to tree root? * use stat information to detect unchanged files without reading the full text (or establish that this is not safe). * basic find command: find versioned, deleted, unknown, etc. * branch command * get a branch from an http server (remote Tree/Store/Branch proxy classes) * write experimental weave algorithm in Python to see how it works? * update command: pull in changes from another branch that is a strict superset of the destination * merge command: reconcile changes in this branch with those in another. punt on structural changes at first and only merge text, then work out a nice way to resolve structure. * ``vc-bzr.el`` emacs support * *go self-hosting at about this point*, with parallel commits to baz * ignore patterns from ``.bzrignore`` longer-term things: * Some kind of `compressed storage `_.