************ Requirements ************ gcc requirements ---------------- * http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gnu-arch-users/2004-06/msg00082.html * http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2004-06/msg00264.html Some of these are: * Must preserve existing history from CVS; must be able to export back out to CVS in case they change their mind. * Support a single central blessed version. * Cheap branches and tagging. * Handle repeated merges; remember the last time something was merged. * Easy cloning. * Copy a named patch set (one or more changes) onto a particular branch. * Unix, Windows, Mac. * What patches changed a particular symbol? * annotate function that shows deleted lines. * Reliable backups. (bzr can do this simply by cloning, then mirror-sync.) * Scale to enormously wide and long history. * Easy to get back to last-known-good state. kernel ------ * http://www.kerneltraffic.org/kernel-traffic/kt20030323_210.txt Discussion of BitKeeper, strengths and weaknesses, and interoperation tools.