****************** Compared to OpenCM ****************** http://opencm.org/ Not very stable; apparently inactive. * Separated working copy & repository model. * Files have long-lived identifiers. * Files and revisions identified by the SHA-1 hash of their content (as in monotone); explicitly makes it easier to be sure we have the right one and prevents some tricks. * Binding of objects to external names done on the client, so you can version e.g. database objects, instead of files. * Directories are inferred by having files that exist under them; empty directories are a special case with an object of type DIR. This is a bit ugly. I might rather have files given a name only relative to their parent directory. So renaming a directory will only update the entry for the directory, and everything will move with it. * Access-control rules about who can write to a central server. * Their design is somewhat similar to ours and used a lot of disk space -- enough to be a significant problem. * Assigning human names to branches proved problematic -- i think this is a good reason to rely on the filesystem/URL space, which people already know how to manage and deal with.