************** Cherry picking ************** Bazaar-NG allows you to try to 'cherry pick' changes from one branch to another. That is to say that you can merge across only the changes from a particular commit, without getting anything else from that branch. However, because of dependencies in the source, it's not always very practical to pick changes out of a widely-diverged branch. The general principle is that it's easier to keep things separate and combine them later than to mix things up and try to separate them. Therefore, we suggest using branches for each line of development that might want to separately merge. Create a branch for each major feature; create branches for code that is ready to go upstream and for code that is very experimental. Branches are cheap. As changes pass through these branches they accumulate interesting metadata. Design ------ There is little that a tool can do to help with merges once you start cherry-picking changes; we need to rely on the merge tool detecting that some changes have already been applied. We should note that the changes have already come across, but I don't see many places where that will be terribly helpful. Sometimes a succession of cherry picks will be equivalent to merging the whole history up to some point, in which case we can fall back to a proper merge. When choosing a merge ancestor I think knowing non-contiguous cherry-picked changes will not help. Cherry-picking is equivalent to putting the merge ancestor just before the changeset(s) to be picked in. So we can do this regardless of whether we have the whole history of the tree.