.. comment Copyright (C) 2010 Canonical Ltd This file is part of bzr-bash-completion bzr-bash-completion free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. bzr-bash-completion is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ========================== bzr bash-completion plugin ========================== This plugin generates a shell function which can be used by bash to automatically complete the currently typed command when the user presses the completion key (usually tab). It is intended as a bzr plugin, but can be used to some extend as a standalone python script as well. | Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Canonical Ltd .. contents:: ------------------------------- Bundled and standalone versions ------------------------------- This plugin has been merged_ into the main source tree of Bazaar. Starting with the bzr 2.3 series, a common bzr installation will include this plugin. There is still a standalone version available. It makes the plugin available for users of older bzr versions. When using both versions, local configuration might determine which version actually gets used, and some installations might even overwrite one another, so don't use the standalone version if you have the bundled one, unless you know what you are doing. Some effort will be made to keep the two versions reasonably in sync for some time yet. This text here documents the bundled version. .. _merged: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/revision/5240 ----- Using ----- Using as a plugin ----------------- This is the preferred method of generating the completion function, as it will ensure proper bzr initialization. :: eval "`bzr bash-completion`" Lazy initialization ------------------- Running the above command automatically from your ``~/.bashrc`` file or similar can cause annoying delays in the startup of your shell. To avoid this problem, you can delay the generation of the completion function until you actually need it. To do so, source the file ``contrib/bash/bzr`` shipped with the bzr source distribution from your ``~/.bashrc`` file or add it to your ``~/.bash_completion`` if your setup uses such a file. On a system-wide installation, the directory ``/usr/share/bash-completion/`` might contain such bash completion scripts. Note that the full completion function is generated only once per shell session. If you update your bzr installation or change the set of installed plugins, then you might wish to regenerate the completion function manually as described above in order for completion to take these changes into account. -------------- Design concept -------------- The plugin is designed to generate a completion function containing all the required information about the possible completions. This is usually only done once when bash initializes. After that, no more invocations of bzr are required. This makes the function much faster than a possible implementation talking to bzr for each and every completion. On the other hand, this has the effect that updates to bzr or its plugins won't show up in the completions immediately, but only after the completion function has been regenerated. ------- License ------- As this is built upon a bash completion script originally included in the bzr source tree, and as the bzr sources are covered by the GPL 2, this plugin here is licensed under these same terms. If you require a more liberal license, you'll have to contact all those who contributed code to this plugin, be it for bash or for python. ------- History ------- The plugin was created by Martin von Gagern in 2009, building on a static completion function of very limited scope distributed together with bzr. A version of it was merged into the bzr source tree in May 2010. ---------- References ---------- Bazaar homepage | http://bazaar.canonical.com/ Standalone plugin homepages | https://launchpad.net/bzr-bash-completion | http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bzr-bash-completion .. vim: ft=rst .. emacs Local Variables: mode: rst End: