========================================= bzr bash-completion script and plugin ========================================= This script generates a shell function which can be used by bash to automatically complete the currently typed command when the user presses the completion key (usually tab). It can be used either as a bzr plugin or directly. ---------------------------------------- 1. Installing as a plugin You only need to do this if you want to use the script as a bzr plugin. Otherwise simply grab the bashcomp.py and place it wherever you want. mkdir -p ~/.bazaar/plugins cd ~/.bazaar/plugins bzr co lp:bzr-bash-completion bash_completion ---------------------------------------- 2. Using as a plugin This is the preferred method of generating initializing the completion, as it will ensure proper bzr initialization. eval "`bzr bash-completion`" ---------------------------------------- 3. Using as a script As an alternative, if bzrlib is available to python scripts, the following invocation should yield the same results without requiring you to add a plugin. Might have some issues, though. eval "`./bashcomp.py`" ---------------------------------------- 4. License As this is built upon a bash completion script originally included in the bzr source tree, and as the bzr sources are covered by the GPL 2, this script here is licensed under these same terms. If you require a more liberal license, you'll have to contact all those who contributed code to this plugin, be it for bash or for python. ---------------------------------------- 5. History The plugin was created by Martin von Gagern in 2009, building on a static completion function of very limited scope distributed together with bzr. ---------------------------------------- 6. References https://launchpad.net/bzr-bash-completion http://bazaar-vcs.org/