################# Bazaar User Guide ################# .. Files are currently links but will become includes once the .. content makes more sense as a whole. .. Please mark sections in linked/included files as following: .. level 1 ======== .. level 2 -------- .. level 3 ~~~~~~~~ .. level 4 ^^^^^^^^ (it is better not to use nesting deeper than 3 levels) .. contents:: :depth: 2 .. sectnum:: Introduction ############ .. include:: introducing_bazaar.txt .. include:: core_concepts.txt .. include:: bazaar_workflows.txt Getting started ############### .. include:: installing_bazaar.txt .. include:: entering_commands.txt .. include:: getting_help.txt .. include:: configuring_bazaar.txt .. include:: using_aliases.txt .. include:: plugins.txt .. include:: zen.txt Personal version control ######################## .. include:: solo_intro.txt .. include:: starting_a_project.txt .. include:: controlling_registration.txt .. include:: reviewing_changes.txt .. include:: recording_changes.txt .. include:: browsing_history.txt .. include:: releasing_a_project.txt .. include:: undoing_mistakes.txt Sharing with peers ################## .. include:: partner_intro.txt .. include:: branching_a_project.txt .. include:: merging_changes.txt .. include:: resolving_conflicts.txt .. include:: annotating_changes.txt Team collaboration, central style ################################# .. include:: central_intro.txt .. include:: publishing_a_branch.txt .. include:: using_checkouts.txt .. include:: working_offline_central.txt .. include:: reusing_a_checkout.txt Team collaboration, distributed style ##################################### .. include:: distributed_intro.txt .. include:: organizing_branches.txt .. include:: using_gatekeepers.txt .. include:: sending_changes.txt Miscellaneous topics #################### .. include:: part2_intro.txt .. include:: adv_merging.txt .. include:: shelving_changes.txt .. include:: filtered_views.txt .. include:: stacked.txt .. include:: server.txt .. include:: hooks.txt .. include:: version_info.txt A brief tour of some popular plugins #################################### .. include:: bzrtools_plugin.txt .. include:: svn_plugin.txt .. include later looms_plugin.txt Integrating Bazaar into your environment ######################################## .. include:: web_browsing.txt .. include later - file_explorers.txt .. include later - desktop_integration.txt .. include later - editors_and_ides.txt .. include later - email.txt .. include:: bug_trackers.txt Appendices ########## .. include:: specifying_revisions.txt .. include:: organizing_your_workspace.txt .. include:: shared_repository_layouts.txt .. include:: setting_up_email.txt .. include:: http_smart_server.txt .. include:: writing_a_plugin.txt .. |--| unicode:: U+2014