============ Bug Trackers ============ Bazaar has a facility that allows you to associate a commit with a bug in the project's bug tracker. Other tools can then use this information to link between the commit and the bug, or to automatically mark the bug closed in the branches that contain the commit. Associating Commits and Bugs ============================ When you make a commit you can assiociate it with a bug by using the ``--fixes`` option of ``commit``. For example:: $ bzr commit --fixes 12345 -m 'Properly close the connection on errors' This will set a revision property on the revision that is committed which contains the URI at which more information on the bug can be found. Bazaar itself does no more than this, but once the information is recorded other tools can make use of it. Configuration of the Bug Tracker ================================ As each project has it's own bug tracker, and there are many different bug tracking systems you must first do some configuration before you can use this system. Bazaar currently implements support for projects that use Bugzilla or Trac to manage their bugs. If your project uses a different system it is easy to add support for the system, perhaps through a plugin. If you do use Bugzilla or Trac then you only need to set a configuration variable which contains the base URL of the bug tracker. These options can go into ``bazaar.conf``, ``branch.conf`` or into a branch-specific configuration section in ``locations.conf``. You can set up these values for each of the projects you work on in ``bazaar.conf``, as you specify a short name for each so that you can specify which you mean at commit time. bugzilla__url ----------------------------------- If present, the location of the Bugzilla bug tracker referred to by . This option can then be used together with ``bzr commit --fixes`` to mark bugs in that tracker as being fixed by that commit. For example:: bugzilla_squid_url = http://www.squid-cache.org/bugs would allow ``bzr commit --fixes squid:1234`` to mark Squid's bug 1234 as fixed. trac__url ------------------------------ If present, the location of the Trac instance referred to by . This option can then be used together with ``bzr commit --fixes`` to mark bugs in that tracker as being fixed by that commit. For example:: trac_twisted_url = http://www.twistedmatrix.com/trac would allow ``bzr commit --fixes twisted:1234`` to mark Twisted's bug 1234 as fixed. Limitations of the system ========================= This method of associating revisions and bugs does have some limitations. The first is that the association can only be made at commit time. This means that if you forget to make the association when you commit, or the bug is reported after you fix it you cannot go back and add the link later. Related to this is the fact that the association is immutable. If a bug is marked as fixed by one commit, but that revision does not fully solve the bug, or there is a later regression you cannot go back and remove the link.