Bazaar Main Document Catalog
The latest version of these documents are available from Bazaar's
documentation site, , and more documentation
may be linked from .
Core Documentation
* `User Guide `_
* `User Reference `_
* `Quick Start Card `_
(`PDF `_,
`PNG `_)
* `Release Notes `_
* `Developer Document Catalog `_ |--| for developers
of Bazaar and plugins
* `Bazaar in five minutes `_
* `A longer tutorial `_
* `Using Bazaar with Launchpad `_
* `Centralized workflow `_
Web links
* `Switching Guides `_
|--| for users moving from another VCS tool
* `Migration Guide `_
|--| for teams migrating history from another VCS tool
* `Glossary `_
* `Frequently Asked Questions `_
Other Languages
* `Spanish Documentation `_
* `Russian Documentation `_ |--| документация на русском
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