What is the purpose of version control? *************************************** There are several overlapping purposes: * Allowing concurrent development by several people. Primarily, helping resolve changes when they are integrated, but also making each person aware of what the others have been doing, allowing them to talk about changes, etc. * To allow different lines of development, with sensible reintegration. e.g. stable/development, or branches for experimental features. * To record a history of development, so that you can find out why a feature went in or who added it, or which releases might be affected by a bug. * In particular, as a *record of decisions* about the project made by the developers. * Help in writing a gloss on that history; not simply a record of events but an explanation of what happened and why. Such a record may need to be written at several levels: a very detailed explanation of changes to a function; a note that a bug was fixed and why; and then a brief NEWS file for the whole release. While past events can never change, the intepretation placed upon them may change, even after the event. For example, even after a release has gone out, one might want to go back and note that a bug was actually fixed. The system is helping the developers tell a story about the development of the project. * As an aid to thinking about the project. (Much as a personal journal is not merely a record or even analysis of events, but also a chance to reflect and to think of the future.) People can review diffs, and then write a description of what changed, and in doing so perhaps realize something else they should do, or realize they made a mistake. Making branches helps work out the order of feature integration and the stability of different lines of development. * As an 'undo' protection mechanism. This is one reason why version control can be useful on projects that have only a single developer and never branch. * Incidentally, as a backup mechanism. Version control systems, particularly distributed systems, tend to cause code to exist on several machines, which gives some protection against loss of any single copy. It's still a good idea to use a separate backup system as well. * As a file-sharing mechanism: even with just a single developer and line of development it can be useful to keep files synchronized between several machines, which may not always be connected. ---- Steve Berczuk says__: __ http://www.bell-labs.com/cgi-user/OrgPatterns/OrgPatterns?ConfigurationManagementPatterns A successful configuration management process allows: * Developers to work together on a project, sharing common code. * Developers to share development effort on a module. * Developers to have access to the current stable (tested) version of a system. * The ability to back up to a previous stable version (one of a number of NamedStableBases), of a system * The ability of a developer to checkpoint changes to a module and to back off to a previous version of that module