#################### Bazaar Release Notes #################### .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 bzr 2.7b1 ######### :2.7b1: NOT RELEASED YET External Compatibility Breaks ***************************** .. These may require users to change the way they use Bazaar. New Features ************ .. New commands, options, etc that users may wish to try out. Improvements ************ .. Improvements to existing commands, especially improved performance or memory usage, or better results. Bug Fixes ********* .. Fixes for situations where bzr would previously crash or give incorrect or undesirable results. * 'acceptable_keys' from 'bazaar.conf' is now properly handled. (Vincent Ladeuil, #1249732) * Option names are now checked to be valid [dotted] python identifiers. Also ignore invalid references (i.e. using invalid option names) while expanding option values. (Vincent Ladeuil, #1235099) * Fix pyrex version checking to be more robust. (Andrew Starr-Bochicchio, #1030521 ) Documentation ************* .. Improved or updated documentation. API Changes *********** .. Changes that may require updates in plugins or other code that uses bzrlib. Internals ********* .. Major internal changes, unlikely to be visible to users or plugin developers, but interesting for bzr developers. Changed Behaviour ***************** * Also honor $XDG_CONFIG_HOME specification on Mac OS X platform. (Fabien Meghazi) Testing ******* .. Fixes and changes that are only relevant to bzr's test framework and suite. This can include new facilities for writing tests, fixes to spurious test failures and changes to the way things should be tested. * Fix warnings on stderr caused by the atexit handler triggering for the wrong reason: the 'config' command should explicitly save the changes when modifying or removing an option and not rely on the atexit handler. (Vincent Ladeuil, #1331999) * Handle (minor) incompatible change in python 2.7.6 leading to test failures. Only tests are affected. (Vincent Ladeuil, #1303879) * Take python 2.7.6 late (better than never) bugfix in ntpath.py into account. Only tests are affected (Vincent Ladeuil, #1303879). * Remove wrong assumption about how TCP server and client interact when run inside the same process. (Vincent Ladeuil, #1269886). * Restrict access to '.netrc' in tests or recent python (2.7.5-8) will complain. (Vincent Ladeuil, #1233413) .. vim: tw=74 ft=rst ff=unix