=========================== Serving Bazaar with FastCGI =========================== **This feature is EXPERIMENTAL and is NOT SECURE. It will allow access to arbitrary files on your server.** This document describes one way to set up a Bazaar HTTP smart server, using Apache 2.0 and FastCGI or mod_python. For more information on the smart server, and other ways to configure it see the main `smart server documentation`_. .. _smart server documentation: server.html Example ======= You have a webserver already publishing `/srv/example.com/www/code` as `http://example.com/code/...` with plain HTTP. It contains bzr branches and directories like `/srv/example.com/www/code/branch-one` and `/srv/example.com/www/code/my-repo/branch-two`. You want to provide read-only smart server access to these directories in addition to the existing HTTP access. Configuring Apache 2.0 ---------------------- FastCGI ~~~~~~~ First, configure mod_fastcgi, e.g. by adding lines like these to your httpd.conf:: LoadModule fastcgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_fastcgi.so FastCgiIpcDir /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi In our example, we're already serving `/srv/example.com/www/code` at `http://example.com/code`, so our existing Apache configuration would look like:: Alias /code /srv/example.com/www/code Options Indexes # ... We need to change it to handle all requests for URLs ending in `.bzr/smart`. It will look like:: Alias /code /srv/example.com/www/code Options Indexes, FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /code RewriteRule ^(.*/|)\.bzr/smart$ /srv/example.com/scripts/bzr-smart.fcgi # bzr-smart.fcgi isn't under the DocumentRoot, so Alias it into the URL # namespace so it can be executed. Alias /srv/example.com/scripts/bzr-smart.fcgi /srv/example.com/scripts/bzr-smart.fcgi Options ExecCGI SetHandler fastcgi-script This instructs Apache to hand requests for any URL ending with `/.bzr/smart` inside `/code` to a Bazaar smart server via FastCGI. Refer to the mod_rewrite_ and mod_fastcgi_ documentation for further information. .. _mod_rewrite: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_rewrite.html .. _mod_fastcgi: http://www.fastcgi.com/mod_fastcgi/docs/mod_fastcgi.html mod_python ~~~~~~~~~~ First, configure mod_python, e.g. by adding lines like these to your httpd.conf:: LoadModule python_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so Define the rewrite rules with mod_rewrite the same way as for FastCGI, except change:: RewriteRule ^(.*/|)\.bzr/smart$ /srv/example.com/scripts/bzr-smart.fcgi to:: RewriteRule ^(.*/|)\.bzr/smart$ /srv/example.com/scripts/bzr-smart.py Like with mod_fastcgi, we also define how our script is to be handled:: Alias /srv/example.com/scripts/bzr-smart.py /srv/example.com/scripts/bzr-smart.py PythonPath "sys.path+['/srv/example.com/scripts']" AddHandler python-program .py PythonHandler bzr-smart::handler This instructs Apache to hand requests for any URL ending with `/.bzr/smart` inside `/code` to a Bazaar smart server via mod_python. Refer to the mod_python_ documentation for further information. .. _mod_python: http://www.modpython.org/ Configuring Bazaar ------------------ FastCGI ~~~~~~~ We've configured Apache to run the smart server at `/srv/example.com/scripts/bzr-smart.fcgi`. This is just a simple script we need to write to configure a smart server, and glue it to the FastCGI gateway. Here's what it looks like:: import fcgi from bzrlib.transport.http import wsgi smart_server_app = wsgi.make_app( root='/srv/example.com/code', prefix='/code/', path_var='REQUEST_URI', readonly=True) fcgi.WSGIServer(smart_server_app).run() The `fcgi` module can be found at http://svn.saddi.com/py-lib/trunk/fcgi.py. It is part of flup_. .. _flup: http://www.saddi.com/software/flup/ mod_python ~~~~~~~~~~ We've configured Apache to run the smart server at `/srv/example.com/scripts/bzr-smart.py`. This is just a simple script we need to write to configure a smart server, and glue it to the mod_python gateway. Here's what it looks like:: import modpywsgi from bzrlib.transport.http import wsgi smart_server_app = wsgi.make_app( root='/srv/example.com/code', prefix='/code/', path_var='REQUEST_URI', readonly=True) def handler(request): """Handle a single request.""" wsgi_server = modpywsgi.WSGIServer(smart_server_app) return wsgi_server.run(request) The `modpywsgi` module can be found at http://trac.pocoo.org/wiki/ModPyWsgi. It is part of pocoo_. .. _pocoo: http://trac.pocoo.org/wiki/ Clients ------- Now you can use `bzr+http://` URLs, e.g.:: bzr log bzr+http://example.com/code/my-branch Plain HTTP access should continue to work:: bzr log http://example.com/code/my-branch Advanced configuration ====================== Because the Bazaar HTTP smart server is a WSGI application, it can be used with any 3rd-party WSGI middleware or server that conforms the WSGI standard. The only requirements are: * to construct a `SmartWSGIApp`, you need to specify a **root transport** that it will serve. * each request's `environ` dict must have a **'bzrlib.relpath'** variable set. The `make_app` helper used in the example constructs a `SmartWSGIApp` with a transport based on the `root` path given to it, and calculates the 'bzrlib.relpath` for each request based on the `prefix` and `path_var` arguments. In the example above, it will take the 'REQUEST_URI' (which is set by Apache), strip the '/code/' prefix and the '/.bzr/smart' suffix, and set that as the 'bzrlib.relpath', so that a request for '/code/foo/bar/.bzr/smart' will result in a 'bzrlib.relpath' of 'foo/bzr'. It's possible to configure a smart server for a non-local transport, or that does arbitrary path translations, etc, by constructing a `SmartWSGIApp` directly. Refer to the docstrings of `bzrlib.transport.http.wsgi` and the `WSGI standard`_ for further information. .. _WSGI standard: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/ Pushing over ``bzr+http://`` ---------------------------- It is possible to allow pushing data over the http smart server. The easiest way to do this, is to just supply ``readonly=False`` to the ``wsgi.make_app()`` call. But be careful, because the smart protocol does not contain any Authentication. So if you enable write support, you will want to restrict access to ``.bzr/smart`` URLs to restrict who can actually write data on your system. At this time, it is not possible to allow some people to have read-only access and others to have read-write access to the same urls. Because at the HTTP layer (which is doing the Authenticating), everything is just a POST request. However, it would certainly be possible to have HTTPS require authentication and use a writable server, and plain HTTP allow read-only access. .. vim: ft=rst tw=74 et