================================= Using aliases for Bazaar commands ================================= Command aliases are an easy way to customize the behaviour of Bazaar. Aliases are an easy way to create shortcuts for commonly-typed commands, or to set defaults for commands. Command aliases can be defined in the ``[ALIASES]`` section of your ``.bazaar/bazaar.conf`` file. Aliases start with the alias name, then an equal sign, then a command fragment. Here's an example ALIASES section: Examples ======== A typical example:: [ALIASES] recentlog=log -r-3..-1 ll=log --line -r-10..-1 commit=commit --strict diff=diff --diff-options -p Explanation of examples ======================= * The first alias makes a new ``recentlog`` command that shows the logs for the last three revisions * The ``ll`` alias shows the last 10 log entries in line format. * the ``commit`` alias sets the default for commit to refuse to commit if new files in the tree are not recognized. * the ``diff`` alias adds the coveted -p option to diff Using the Aliases ================= The aliases defined above would be used like so: :: % bzr recentlog % bzr ll % bzr commit % bzr diff Rules for Aliases ================= * You can override a portion of the options given in an alias by specifying the new part on the command-line. For example, if you run ``lastlog -r-5..``, you will only get five line-based log entries instead of 10. Note that all boolean options have an implicit inverse, so you can override the commit alias with ``commit --no-strict``. * Aliases can override the standard behaviour of existing commands by giving an alias name that is the same as the orignal command. For example, default commit is changed with ``commit=commit --strict``. * Aliases cannot refer to other aliases. In other words making a ``lastlog`` alias and referring to it with a ``ll`` alias will not work. This includes aliases that override standard commands * Giving the ``--no-aliases`` to the bzr command will tell it to ignore aliases for that run. For example, running ``bzr --no-aliases commit`` will perform a standard commit instead not do a ``commit --strict``.