Profiling ========= Bazaar has some built-in support for collecting and saving profiling information. In the simpliest case, the --lsprof option can be used as shown below:: bzr --lsprof ... This will dump the profiling information to stdout before exiting. Alternatively, the --lsprof-file option can be used to specify a filename to save the profiling data into to. By default, profiling data saved to a file is a pickled Python object making it possible to reload the data and do with it what you will. For convenience though: * if the filename ends in ".txt", it will be dumped in a text format. * if the filename ends in ".callgrind", it will be converted to a format loadable by the KCacheGrind visualization tool. Here is an example of how to use the --lsprof-file option in combination with KCacheGrind to visualize what the "status" command is doing:: bzr --lsprof-file status001.callgrind status kcachegrind status001.callgrind & .. Note:: bzr also has a --profile option that uses the hotshot profiler instead of the lsprof profiler. The hotshot profiler can be useful though the lsprof one is generally recommended. See Note that to use --lsprof you must install the lsprof module, which you can get with:: svn co