svk === The strategic strength is that it can trivially and reliably interoperate with upstream projects using Subversion. This tends to satisfy people who need disconnected operation, and so to allow projects to feel safe about switching to Subversion. On the other hand it may be a bit flaky in implementation -- when I tried it (dec 04), it crashed in confusing ways several times. And certainly Subversion's reputation for reliability is mixed -- some people think it's very solid, but I've seen many db crashes at HP. Being written in Perl on top of Svn bindings may not inspire confidence. robertc says he's worked with the libsvn bindings and they're a mess. Relatively little documentation. In general a feeling of a very tall stack. There is some fluff about defining multiple repositories, which seems like an argument for history-in-branch. Keeps track of merge arrows to do smart merges. They follow Perforce in not having any control files in the tree -- nice in some ways but you must use the right tool to move or delete a working area. (In fact the whole thing seems to be inspired a bit by Perforce?) I think keeping just one dotfile at the top level may be a fair compromise. (If this is unfair or inaccurate mail me dammit.)